Recent Posts

Making the Switch to Jekyll

For the past couple of years, I have been using ExpressionEngine for my personal site. I was sold on the customization and the ability to easily mold the backend to my needs. However, updating, maintaining and moving these setups was always a pain point for me, not to mention having such a powerful backend was overkill for my site. This is where Jekyll comes in.

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Sublime Linter

Linting my code has become as common as saving files in my work flow. Linting helps me produce better code and save time by tracking down potential errors or common mistakes. I first started copying and pasting huge chunks of javascript into JSHint’s website, and then later relying on gruntJS to run a task to watch my javascript and lint files on save.

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Recent Work

Lenovo VAR Lenovo VAR Wordpress, Front-End
Anna Wolf Photography Anna Wolf Photography ExpressionEngine, Front-End
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Hi, I'm Chris Yow, a web developer living in Raleigh, NC. I currently work at Bandwidth and in the past made web apps and sites at Capstrat and Fragment. I usually brand myself as a front end developer, but I am comfortable in any role and am always excited to take on new challenges. I love meeting new people and learning new things; feel free to get in touch.